In order to ensure the health and safety of all of Catalyst Sports participants and volunteers, we have created the following set of general guidelines categorized by adventure program type. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines and do not replace the better judgement of the program leaders. Also, please be sure to check with each of the gyms and facilities in which the programs are taking place and be sure to follow all of their guidelines in addition to the ones listed here.
Rock Climbing:
- Masks should be worn anytime you are within 6’ of another person (i.e. transferring, assisting someone with a harness, tying someone in, etc.).
- If equipment is being used by multiple people it should be sanitized prior to use by another person.
- Masks can be removed once on the wall and further than six feet away from the belayer.
- Masks should be worn anytime you are within 6’ of another person (i.e. transferring, fitting someone to their boat, etc.).
- If equipment is being used by multiple people it should be sanitized by wiping it down with a sanitizing towel prior to use by another person.
- Masks can be removed once on the water and further than 6 feet away from another kayaker.
- Both people in a tandem kayak need to be wearing a mask at all times.
Mountain Biking
- Masks should be worn anytime you are within 6 feet of another person (i.e. transferring, fitting someone in a bike, etc.).
- If equipment is being used by multiple people, high touch areas (handlebars, hand cranks, brakes, etc.) should be sanitized prior to use by another person.
- Masks can be removed once on the trail and 6 feet away from another cyclist.
- Both cyclists on a tandem bike should be wearing a mask at all times.