A Year Like No Other
We launched into 2020 with a plan to push Catalyst toward a big year of growth and sustainability. When COVID hit, it felt like a huge barrier to overcome.
As you’ll see in this report, despite the obstacles, 2020 turned out to be a year of incredible growth and momentum for Catalyst Sports and it wouldn’t have been possible without the help of so many of YOU!
Please take time to look through this 2020 report to see all of the incredible growth and our big plans for more impact in 2021. Enjoy!
[vcex_button url=”https://clients.mcnairmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/2021/02/2020-Annual-Report-FINAL-2.pdf” title=”2020 Annual Report” style=”flat” align=”center” color=”blue” size=”large” target=”self” rel=”none”]2020 Annual Report[/vcex_button]