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Knoxville says, “Farewell Summer & Hello Fall”!

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A shared adventure is a better adventure.

It’s true! Much of the impact that happens from adventures like these is because of the people we share them with. The Knoxville crew truly understands and embodies this winning formula of Adventure + Community = Impact.

If you ever show up at one of the Knoxville programs (and we hope you do!), you’ll hear it in the way they banter; knowing details about each other’s daily life. People are telling jokes, inquiring about family members, asking about their latest job project and generally showing care for each other in a way that only a true community can.

Unfortunately, COVID put a damper on most of our 2020 group programs. However, after much discussion, outdoor kayaking seemed to be one program we could run safely with precautions in place. So, every other Tuesday evening between July and September, a small group of people with and without disabilities gathered on the banks of the Tennessee River in West Knoxville to get out of the house and get on the water…together!

It was so refreshing to have this outlet for people to get outside, get some exercise and (although wearing masks and keeping their distance) do it together! 

We’re sad to see these summer kayaking events coming to an end for 2020 BUT, this crew is launching an Adaptive Mountain Biking program this fall and winter so stay tuned for more news on that and make plans to join us!

Take a second to scroll through a few highlight pictures from this summer and make sure to go follow the Catalyst Sports – Knoxville Facebook page to stay updated on all of the latest events happening in Knoxville. They’d love to have you join them anytime! You’ll be glad you did.





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