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Post COVID19 Therapy: Funds Needed!

Post COVID-19 Therapy: Funds needed!

These are desperate times and we’re all experiencing isolation and inactivity. Our current situation has made it clear — feeling the freedom of outdoor activities and connection with other people is a crucial part of living a healthy life.

The best medicine after COVID-19 is going to be adventuring TOGETHER!

Unfortunately, many recreation programs and spaces in our community aren’t accessible to people with disabilities. Because of this, people with disabilities often live isolated and inactive lives. Situations like COVID-19 make this isolation and inactivity much worse.

Will you join our monthly donor team at the $10/$25/$50 a month level? Your gift will give someone with a disability access to life-changing adventures!

Meet Malachi. He has Spina Bifida. Thanks to your donations and the Knoxville chapter of Catalyst Sports, he and his family have opportunities for recreation, adventure, and connection.

Thank you for making that a possibility!

When this season is over, everyone, especially those with disabilities who don’t have access to outdoor activities, is going to need the benefits of adventure and a community.

Thank you!

-The Catalyst Sports Team



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